Welcome to Bethlehem Lutheran Church’s youth group!!!! At Bethlehem, we are committed to equipping youth to use their gifts and energies in service to God and His people as they celebrate their faith in Jesus Christ. Our group exists to bring youth closer to Christ by sharing faith, fun, and fellowship! It is our hope and prayer that you see Christ’s love through the actions, words, and deeds of our youth and our ministry.
We participate in a variety of activities from understanding how to use God’s teachings in everyday life, to apologetics, to understanding ourselves and interacting with others. Our group is regularly engaged in our community (partner with Family Promise by serving meals to families that are homeless), group outings and field trips (Teen Servant Event Week at Camp Linn Haven, Creation Museum, The Ark Encounter, The Bible Museum, etc.), as well as fun activities, food, games, and much more!
We participate in a variety of activities from understanding how to use God’s teachings in everyday life, to apologetics, to understanding ourselves and interacting with others. Our group is regularly engaged in our community (partner with Family Promise by serving meals to families that are homeless), group outings and field trips (Teen Servant Event Week at Camp Linn Haven, Creation Museum, The Ark Encounter, The Bible Museum, etc.), as well as fun activities, food, games, and much more!
Regular Meet Times:
Sunday Morning Classes:
Sunday School (Pre-K—5th Grade): 9:15am
Sunday School (8th grade-College): 9:15am
Confirmation Class (6th & 7th Grade): 9:15am
Saturday Nights:
Saturday Night Youth Gathering: 6:30pm (announced in Bethlehem's monthly newsletter)
Sunday School (Pre-K—5th Grade): 9:15am
Sunday School (8th grade-College): 9:15am
Confirmation Class (6th & 7th Grade): 9:15am
Saturday Nights:
Saturday Night Youth Gathering: 6:30pm (announced in Bethlehem's monthly newsletter)
Join us for faith, fun, and fellowship!
Sunday Morning Classes
Our Youth Group meets every Sunday morning at 9:15am downstairs in the classrooms. We have a pre-K to 5th grade class, confirmation class for 6th and 7th graders, and we have an 8th grade-college class.
You will find that our Sunday School classes use the Bible (the Holy Scriptures) to seek the one true God. His Word reveals His true nature as the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All three are equal and inseparable. In our study, we acknowledge that the Father is the Creator of all and is infinite in power, wisdom, justice, goodness, and love. Jesus Christ, God’s Son, is truly God and truly human. His sinless life, suffering and death on the cross, resurrection, and ascension to heaven provide the way of salvation. Jesus is our model for how to live our lives and how to live with each other in this world. The Holy Spirit is God’s presence in our midst. When we sense God’s leading, God’s challenge, or God’s support or comfort it's the Holy Spirit at work through God's Word. The Bible (the Holy Scriptures) is the Word of God and is the guidepost for our faith. The Holy Spirit works through the thoughtful study of the Scriptures as we ask questions and seek understanding. This is especially true when we study them together. We interpret the Scriptures in its historical context and according to the syntax and grammar of the original languages. We subject our reason, traditions, experiences, and our cultural context to the authority of the inerrant Word of God. We trust God and His Word to provide a light for our path as we journey through this life together.
God desires for us to be made new as we are formed into the likeness of Jesus. Because of this, we can experience abundant life as we participate in God's transformation of the world. Through our study, it is our hope and prayer that we cultivate and nurture the faith of our youth so that they can be transformed into the likeness of Christ.
You will find that our Sunday School classes use the Bible (the Holy Scriptures) to seek the one true God. His Word reveals His true nature as the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All three are equal and inseparable. In our study, we acknowledge that the Father is the Creator of all and is infinite in power, wisdom, justice, goodness, and love. Jesus Christ, God’s Son, is truly God and truly human. His sinless life, suffering and death on the cross, resurrection, and ascension to heaven provide the way of salvation. Jesus is our model for how to live our lives and how to live with each other in this world. The Holy Spirit is God’s presence in our midst. When we sense God’s leading, God’s challenge, or God’s support or comfort it's the Holy Spirit at work through God's Word. The Bible (the Holy Scriptures) is the Word of God and is the guidepost for our faith. The Holy Spirit works through the thoughtful study of the Scriptures as we ask questions and seek understanding. This is especially true when we study them together. We interpret the Scriptures in its historical context and according to the syntax and grammar of the original languages. We subject our reason, traditions, experiences, and our cultural context to the authority of the inerrant Word of God. We trust God and His Word to provide a light for our path as we journey through this life together.
God desires for us to be made new as we are formed into the likeness of Jesus. Because of this, we can experience abundant life as we participate in God's transformation of the world. Through our study, it is our hope and prayer that we cultivate and nurture the faith of our youth so that they can be transformed into the likeness of Christ.
Saturday Night Youth Gathering
6th-12th grade also meet on Saturday nights from 6:30pm-9:00pm. Which Saturdays we meet are announced by Bethlehem’s monthly newsletter/calendar, the upcoming events calendar located at the bottom of this page, or the Youth Group News page. There are times when we include the junior youth (1st-5th grade) in our meetings to foster growth as a group and streamline the youth program all the way through. |
During our Saturday night meetings, we do a variety of activities at church or in the community (such as hikes, rodeos, bowling, outreach, etc.). We also incorporate a time of devotion every time we meet.

We hope that you will consider visiting us every Sunday from 9:15-10:15am or Saturday nights from 6:30-9:00pm to learn more about Christ's love for you. If you have and questions regarding the youth group, please contact our youth director, David Nutter, at: 931-273-5275. You can also email him at: [email protected]. We hope that you have a great day, and that we'll see you soon!