Bethlehem Lutheran Church's
Golden Anniversary: 1928-1978
To celebrate Bethlehem's 50th Anniversary, this Golden Anniversary Booklet was put together by a group of individuals that functioned as the The Anniversary Committee in 1978. To view the full booklet, cycle through the slideshow below!
The history found in this booklet can also found on the page:
The History of Bethlehem: 1928-1978
The History of Bethlehem: 1928-1978
About the Anniversary Committee:
In 1978, a committee was put together to oversee the making of this booklet and plan for the celebration of Bethlehem's 50th Anniversary. Printed inside the booklet, is a small paragraph acknowledging those who made this joyous occasion possible:
The Anniversary Committee has received assistance from many people in the planning and implementing of the 50th Anniversary Booklet and Celebration, and is most grateful for the help given. The committee would like to recognize especially the following: Mr. Henry Swanay for his work on the historical review of Bethlehem congregation: The Rev. W. E. Griesse, president of our Mid-South District, for delivering the "kick-off" sermon on October 22; The Revs. George Beiderwieden and Paul Martens for taking the time to be a part of our celebration on October 29; and especially Lee Talbert, official photographer for our anniversary booklet, whose work adds so much to our booklet."