2020 NEWS
2019 News
Bethlehem recently participated in the Food Drive for the Good Samaritan food bank here in Johnson City. Bethlehem collected 955 food items in one week (the week of December 9th). This was a Thrivent challenge to collect 500 food items to send to a local food bank during the month of December. The 30 churches involved would qualify for a matching gift of $500 from Thrivent to the Food Bank. We also had a match from the congregation for $500 (or any fraction thereof) that would go directly to Bethlehem.
Fall Festival was fun for all - the young and the young at heart!!
The recent concert was a fundraiser, sponsored by Thrivent, for the ensemble percussion needs. It was held outside in the church parking lot for Bethlehem’s Outreach Ministry to be visible to the community.
easter sunday
What Easter is all about: 1) Worship is foremost; 2) Fellowship over a meal; 3) Family - Especially grandchildren
Seventeen of our members and friends of Bethlehem made the trip to The Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY and to The Ark Encounter in Williamstown, KY on March 11 - 12. Our group confirmed our faith in the creation of earth recorded in Genesis 1 and the catastrophic flood recorded in Genesis 6. It was also a wonderful experience to fellowship with our fellow Christians and members of Bethlehem.
2018 NEWS
"Bethlehem's first annual picnic was held on Sunday, September 9th at Rotary Park. An inspiring worship service was followed by a luncheon with all those good dishes our ladies prepared. Unfortunately, it was a little too warm for that Lutheran favorite - red jello! After lunch, out came the games with small groups playing board games, while others played Bingo. Even our World War II veteran managed to get in a round of cornhole. With a great playground just steps away, the kids couldn't wait to get on to the slides, swings, etc. What a day for everyone - we can hardly wait for next year's picnic to roll around. What a great opportunity to worship our God in the glorious world He made for us to enjoy."
On Sunday, May 27th, Grace Marshall, Maggie Howland, and Silas Whaley were confirmed. Congratulations!! |
"Bethlehem welcomed Dr. Don Hudson for dinner and a presentation at the Carnegie Hotel on Friday, April 20th. Dr. Hudson, a noted Old Testament scholar, archeologist, and historian specializing in the Book of Judges. His presentation focused on the areas of the New Testament that fulfilled prophesy of the Old Testament."
The Three Wise Men came to visit our children on Sunday, January 7th. They told of their travels from the east following a star that came to rest over the place where the Christ child lay. They also told of their meeting King Herod and of being advised not to return to tell him where Jesus could be found. After offering their gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh to the babe, they returned to their kingdoms by a different route to avoid Herod. The Wise Men were played by Josh Gibbons, Timothy Dills, and Jon Cardwell from First Baptist Church, Johnson City. Our children were enthralled by their visit. We wish to thank First Baptist for lending them to us for the season.
2017 news
Seven Headed Luther
On Tuesday, October 31st, Dr. Martin H. Dotterweich shared his interest in the 500th anniversary of the Reformation for students and faculty at King University. Professor Dorrerweich is dressed as the Seven Headed Luther, a woodcut that appeared on a pamphlet written by Johann Cochlaeus entitled, "Seticeps Lutherus." Cochlaeus was one of Luther's most accomplished and vehement opponents.
Reformation Sunday
On Sunday, October 29th, Bethlehem celebrated the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation initiated by Dr. Martin Luther's posting of the 95 Theses on the Cathedral doors in Wittenberg. The celebration began with a combined service with a lovely new banner and a processional where our Sunday School children posted their banners of the five solae, Sola scripture (scripture alone), Sola fide (faith alone), Sola gratia (grace alone), Solo Christo (Christ alone), and Soli Deo gloria (glory to God alone). The five solae are central to the doctrine of salvation. Following the service, a celebration luncheon was served featuring traditional German food.
Reformation Dinner
Friday night October 27th, Bethlehem celebrated the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther posting the 95 Theses on the Cathedral door in Wittenburg with a dinner and lecture by Dr. Martin H. Dotterweich at the Carnegie Hotel in Johnson City. With over seventy in attendance, we heard Dr. Dotterweich relate the impact of Luther's attempt to reform the Medieval Church, how it led to the Reformation, and the impact of the Reformation.
Join us for dinner at the Carnegie Hotel in Johnson City on Friday, October 27th at 6PM to celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the posting of Martin Luther's 95 Theses on the doors of the cathedral in Wittenberg, Germany. Our guest speaker is Dr. Martin Dotterweich, from King University in Bristol who will speak on Luther's life, ministry, and impact of the Reformation he started. You can make a reservation by calling our church office at 423-926-5261 or by visiting the office at 201 E. Watauga Avenue in Johnson City. The price of the dinner is $15 per person and everyone is welcome to attend.
On Sunday, September 10th Bethlehem hosted a
Welcome Back
picnic for the area's
college students.
"On Sunday, August 27th, 2017, Bethlehem celebrated Pastor Steve Harmon's thirty years of service to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Helping us celebrate was Pastor Steve Saxe who delivered the homily; Pastor Marv Otto who conducted the liturgy; and Pastor John Freitag and Deacon Tom Kyner who assisted with the readings. Steve and Patty received several gifts to commemorate this anniversary, including a certificate from the Mid-South District recognizing Pastor's service. Immediately following the worship service, a reception was held in Fellowship Hall. Everyone enjoyed the good fellowship as well as the refreshments and food."
Starting Sunday, July 16th, 8 weeks of Vacation Bible School A VICTORY CELEBRATION! begins during Sunday School (9:15 - 10:15 am).
In Mighty Fortress VBS, the children will learn that, in Jesus, the victory is won! They will look into the Bible and explore 5 Bible accounts about God, our Mighty Fortress, and the victory Jesus has won for us. So...come along with us as we hear amazing Bible stories, sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more!!!!