Month of November at a Glance: Sunday, January 2nd……. Sunday School Class from 9:15-10:30 Saturday, January 8th..........Youth Group Meeting at the Church at 6:30pm Sunday, January 9th…… Sunday School Class from 9:15-10:30 Saturday. January 15th….. Leave for Youth Gathering in Pigeon Forge Sunday, January 16th...... Return from Youth Gathering Sunday Evening & Sunday School Class from 9:15-10:30am Saturday, January 22nd……Game Night with the Congregation at Bethlehem at 6pm Sunday, January 23rd …Sunday School Class from 9:15-10:30 Sunday, January 30th.....Sunday School Class from 9:15-10:30 Sunday, January 30th…Youth Sunday (Youth will be Ushers and Readers)
Youth Group News!!! We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!!! We hope you liked our Christmas card that we placed in your mailbox. We had a great month of December. We are truly thankful for your prayers and support as we move into 2022. The month of December was a very busy one. On Sunday, December 5th, we raked the Baskin's yard following the 2nd service. Our youth participated in the Christmas Program that was on Sunday, December 12th. We also headed to Camp Linn Haven in North Carolina to deliver presents to the group of kids we served this summer at Crossnore School on Saturday, December 18th. Many of the recipients weren’t able to be with their biological parents for Christmas. We were able to share the love of Christ through this simple act of kindness of delivering presents. Lastly, we went caroling on Saturday, December 17th to the members of Bethlehem that aren’t able to make it to our worship services. They were very appreciative. The following is what we have on the calendar for our youth group for this upcoming month. Happy New Year!!!
David Nutter - Youth Director
Please keep us in your prayers as our plans formulate this month. To see all upcoming youth events on the calendar, see "Month of August at a Glance" on this page.